Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Turning for Home

Pepper Bear turned for home on Saturday August 6, 2011. The route was through Yellowstone National Park, in the West gate and out the South gate and into Grand Tetons National Park to Jackson Hole, Wyoming and across desolate West Wyoming to Rock Springs, Wyoming. Lots of pictures of the Grand Tetons were taken, but only one panorama view is included here. A brief stop was made in Jackson Hole to make a proof of travel picture of Pepper Bear at the Antler Arch before striking out across Western Wyoming to Rock Springs. This trek could be called the Rock(y) Springs Horror Show as there is only one place for a rest room break in 200 miles that being Big Piney which 50 miles into the trek which we passed by. Big mistake. The only other sign of a place to stop was a cowboy bar in Eden, Wyoming which was filled with Sturgis bound bikers. We passed on this stop too. We survived this long ride however. Some photographic proof follows:

Pepper Bears Route on Saturday August 6, 2011.

Grand Tetons

Pepper Bear at the Antler Arch in Jackson Hole Wyoming

Close Up of Pepper Bear
at the Antler Arch in Jackson Hole Wyoming

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